Friendly Chess game with Anna Cramling at the Global Chess Festival
Personal meeting at the Global Chess Festival! A friendly Chess game with Anna Cramling of the Swedish women’s Olympic team. Anna is an extremely popular streamer with over 454.000 Twitch followers. She is the daughter of International Grandmasters Pia Cramling and Juan Manuel Bellón López.
Talent and Sport
“Should My Child Play Sports? Join Extracurricular Activities? If So, Which Ones?” “Intellectual or physical sports—or perhaps both? What if my child isn’t particularly talented? Is it easier or harder for girls to succeed in sports?” These are just some of the questions answered by the greatest female chess player of all time during a […]
Multiverzum interview
Interview on M5 television! The full report was shown on M5 television’s Multiverse program on December 15, 2018. The interview is available in Hungarian at the following link:
Blind Chess with the famous basketball player, Kornel David
I once came up with the idea of holding a demonstration in the main square as a curiosity, showing what it means to be a Chess Grandmaster. I was initially hesitant to call Kornel David, because although we liked each other, my experience was that people distance themselves a bit from chess. The situation was […]