The Best Move We Can Make for Our Children’s Future

♟️ I remember a quiet 8-year-old chess student, who used to struggle with math in school. After a few months of our chess sessions, she excitedly told me about getting the top grade on her latest math test. Her eyes lit up with the confidence that comes from overcoming a great challenge. Moments like that stick with me – they’re proof that chess isn’t just a game, but a powerful educational tool for the mind.

As an International Chess Grandmaster and coach, I’ve seen countless young minds transformed by the 64 squares (and of course, not only young ones). Chess teaches a wide array of skills that extend beyond kings and queens, offering valuable learning strategies and insights on how to live and approach our challenges in life. Each move on the board is an exciting decision that comes with a huge, life-or-death responsibility, and the result – be it successful in the end or not – is always a lesson in strategy, patience, and problem-solving, that becomes part of our mind and thinking.

In fact, here are the most important skills that chess is quietly building up in all chess students, players and enthusiasts:

  • Logic & Problem-Solving: Every move is a mini puzzle in cause-and-effect. Kids learn to analyze situations, break down problems, and think critically (just like tackling a tough math question!).
  • Strategic Thinking: Planning several moves ahead teaches children to make and adjust plans – an ability that helps with big projects and long-term goals in school and life.
  • Resilience & Patience: You can’t win every game. Chess teaches kids to lose gracefully, learn from mistakes, and persist whatever happens. They discover that improvement comes with practice, and that sometimes you must wait for the opportunity to win.
  • Decision-Making: Each turn requires choosing a move and living with the outcome. By weighing options and considering consequences on the board, kids learn to make thoughtful, confident decisions, even under pressure.

These aren’t just abstract benefits – I see them play out in real life. Shy kids start speaking up after finding confidence in chess club. Energetic kids learn to sit still and focus when a game heats up. It’s amazing to watch children change their habits as they start spotting patterns, thinking ahead, staying calm – all thanks to playing chess regularly.

Now, some people ask me: “Does playing chess really make a difference in academics, or are we just romanticizing a hobby?” 🤔 It’s a fair question. Truth is, not every study will give chess an A+ on boosting test scores. For instance, a 2016 study of 3,000 British students found no significant change in math or reading exam results after a year of chess classes​. But here’s the plot twist: those kids enjoyed the experience so much they wanted to keep playing anyway​! To me, that speaks volumes – when children are engaged and motivated to learn (even as a voluntary “hobby”), we’re already winning in education.

And many other findings paint a more encouraging picture. A multi-year study in Alabama showed that introducing chess did actually improve student performance, especially in elementary grades​. Another study reported boosts in cognitive skills (like memory and reasoning) and even social development for kids who regularly played chess​. It’s no wonder that forward-thinking teachers are embracing the game. In fact, entire school systems have taken notice: Armenia made chess a mandatory school subject for children as young as six to foster critical thinking and resilience​. Even the European Parliament officially endorsed introducing chess in schools as an educational program​ ( When implemented with passion and purpose, chess can be a catalyst for growth – academically, cognitively, and emotionally too.

So, what’s the next move? I believe it’s time we integrate chess into education more widely. If you’re an educator, consider starting a chess club or weaving a weekly chess lesson into your class – you might be surprised at how engaged and focused your students become. If you’re a parent, playing chess at home is a fun way to bond with your child and boost their thinking skills (I’ve seen kids choose a chess match over video games once the spark ignites!). And if you’re a policymaker or school leader, look at the success stories around the world and give chess a chance in the curriculum. It’s low-cost, easy to implement, and the potential upside is huge.

Chess is more than a game – it’s a gym for the mind and a mentor in life skills. It teaches our kids that every decision has consequences, that practice and patience pay off, and that sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. In a world where education often struggles to teach creativity, resilience, and critical thinking, chess is an unexpected ally. Let’s make a smart move and bring chess into our schools. It might just be the best move we can make for our children’s future. 🎓

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